Issue 3.2 of our new series Aestimatio: Sources and Studies in the History of Science is now online. It is freely accessible at https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/aestimatio/issue/view/2809. This
Since 1983
The Institute for Research in Classical Philosophy and Science is non-profit educational organization incorporated in the USA and in Canada that is devoted to the advancement of scholarly research in the history of science in the Old World before the modern era.
Aestimatio focuses on the history of science from antiquity to the early modern period in the cultures of Eurasia and Africa, recognizing that the spread of the traditions of knowledge and of ideas is a unifying characteristic of the chronological and geo-cultural scope of science in the Old World before the modern era.
In Aestimatio, we take science broadly to be the goals, methods, knowledge, and practices in what is presented as science in the historical sources. Our aim is to make fundamental texts and ideas in the history of science accessible to readers today through the publication of original research as well as through scholarly assessments of books recently published.
Issue 3.2 of our new series Aestimatio: Sources and Studies in the History of Science is now online. It is freely accessible at https://jps.library.utoronto.ca/index.php/aestimatio/issue/view/2809. This
Issue 2 of volume 3 is now available online. Starting with volume 4, all items will be published when they are ready rather than when
Chessie and I invite and welcome suggestions for thematic issues, that is, issues comprised of half a dozen or so interacting papers that address some
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